Locked Your Keys In Your Car?

Posted on: 7 August 2020


If you have locked your keys in your car, you aren't alone. This happens to thousands of people each year, and each situation is different. Some people simply don't realize their car was locked when they shut their door. In other cases, a child may have accidentally locked the keys inside.

Regardless of your situation, you might wonder what you need to do next. These are some of the things you need to do if you've locked your keys inside the car.

Consider Your Situation Carefully

It may sound silly at first, but you should always look around first. Give your situation some thought. People have been known to accidentally lock themselves inside their car and fail to realize that they could simply unlock the door from inside. When you think you're locked in or out, your brain can start to panic and cause you to fail to look at things.

In your situation, checking out the situation might involve checking all four doors, lifting up on the trunk, and looking at the windows. You might notice something that you previously overlooked. While you do this, try to remain calm.

Of course, make sure that you are safe first. If you are in an unsafe position when you are locked out of your car, getting in touch with emergency services may be your best bet.

Check for a Spare

If you are at home and you can get inside your house, you might have access to a spare key on the rack or in a junk drawer. Some people even keep a spare on the car itself. It may be in a sleeve attached underneath a bumper. While this is not always the best idea, it can be useful to have a key that only opens the door but doesn't start the car if this happens to you a lot.

Perhaps somebody else has a spare key to the vehicle. You may be able to call them to deliver the key or call a rideshare so you can go pick up a spare key.

Contact a Locksmith

No matter where you've locked your keys inside the car, it is important that you talk to a locksmith. Call a professional locksmith today to regain entry to your car and get those keys. Many people are embarrassed to make the call, but locksmiths have seen it all. It happens to many people every day.